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A New Thing – Introduction

1.1 | Rev. Dr. Michael Beale

Theme Verse for 2017 Understanding the background of this verse, we move to understand this in light of our situation as a church today. It is clear that we have to face the facts about our situation and avoid the tendency to look back and live in the past. God is doing a new thing – this means things are going to change – but we know that things will change according to His will and purpose. Bring it on!


Sermon Resources

 In Isaiah 43:19, he shares a word of encouragement to a nation that will go through both destruction and renewal. Isaiah the Prophet has been warning the Nation of Israel not to stray from the will and word of Yahweh or they will face the pruning of God.  He explains, in the first 39 chapters that this punishment will come and then in the last chapters 40 – 55 he tells them that God will not give up on them, but will restore them. As 2017 dawns, we need to hear both messages again.  God prunes the vine and he restores the vine. It is clear that The Father is doing a “new thing” in a new way at WellSpring.  We will look at this theme verse and learn about what God is saying and doing today.